Some school stories, strong mayors, and a weirdly expensive house.
What might local electoral reform look like in Hamilton? Plus, Larry Lanes!
Counting cars, raising the flag, packing the ballot, and getting Viennese.
The cold, hard cash behind the 2022 municipal election
No "Rent", just news stories renting space in my head.
Bollards and boats and Battlefield and billions for transit. But, briefly, the Britons.
Another one on housing? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely in this newsletter?
A long look at the West Harbour and Waterfront Trust, plus a 15-minute cities update and some Twitter nonsense.
An early spring Cellblock Tango (sans Lipschitz)
A new HSR map dominates this week, but there's a little golf and campaign finance too.
It's a data heavy week, but there's some climate work and local history thrown in for good measure.
House parties, spending parties, provincial parties. Party on, my dudes.